Friday, July 19, 2019

Reader mail time

A reader recently shared his story with me. He's forced to wear catheters and has no problems with infections, but he does have a problem with skin irritation on the frenulum.

The problem is that since he's circumcised he has no barrier between the sensitive parts of his glans and his underwear. He's also forced to wear briefs as they are the only thing that keeps the catheter tube stationary and not tugging on his bladder.

I suggested an external cath to go over it. Anyone have any better suggestions?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Trying cheap Chinese sold external catheters

I decided to give the worst rated and least recommended external catheters from China a shot just to see what they were really like. Could they be that bad?

Finding them was one of the hardest things since they sell on Amazon but cannot advertise as a "catheter" but a "pee bag" or "urine collector".

The devices came in well packed but with bad instructions.

One of the first devices I tried had a kink in the hose before I even put it on. I knew this was going to be bad.

This cut off drainage and after no time it leaked.

The second device, I actually had a little hope for. The tubing was thick and it fit well.

I wore it all day without any issues,

It drained properly, and works flawlessly. I actually will be using this in the future (but with so many knockoffs online, I can't assume you'd get the same so I can't recommend it).

The last one, also the cheapest one... coming in at $15, didn't even fit. I didn't get to review this one.

I'm going to reuse some of the parts and try to use the tube into my own makeshift "pee collector" lol.

Long story short, you might find something that works, but it's mostly bad quality goods. Most of the reviews had 2-3 stars and a lot of complaints. The shipping also took a really long time.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Another viewer post. Inspired by the previous submitter.

This story was sent to me from a follower and not from me. The image has been censored.

To the guy who has issues with the gym from February:

As someone who struggles with incontinence, I felt it was only right to share solidarity to feel what you are going through.

I recently built up the courage to walk a mile in your shoes. I decided to wear not just my pullups or hide in a bathroom to change. I did it and I am not ashamed.

People shouldn't mock or stare. This is our right to be in public unashamed.

I wanted to thank you for your courage. I look forward from hearing more from you and anyone else.

Thanks for your post. Please make sure images you send in the future are relevant to catheters/devices, on in the context of a medical situation. I had to censor your image a little.

Surgical options - Male Sling TURP

During a recent consult with my urologist, I was offered options for surgical treatment. I was given the pros and cons of each and I was given a few options.

The first was for collagen injections around the sphincter. This is mainly for low-to-mild urinary leakage and reduces bladder pressure. It's also not permanent.

The option my doctor recommends is a Male Sling (TURP/Mesh)

The disadvantages to this are clearly present in the video. Erectile dysfunction/possibly making my condition worse are a huge barrier to this... but I'm still figuring it out.

The last resort, and the most comprehensive surgery is a urethral cuff, which is an artificial sphincter that contracts to prevent leakage.

While tests in the past have shown external cuffs to be ineffective...

the difference here is that the cuff is on the inside and won't come loose or chafe (problems I've had repeatedly).

I'm weighing the pros and cons of each but, to be honest, the thought of surgery scares me. The chance that it could go wrong is a huge inhibitor.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sent in from a reader

From the show Nathan For You. "The only proof you're not a baby!" Thanks for this, lol.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

As promised. A post from a follower:

This story was sent to me from a follower with the intent to put on my blog and not from me.

As a relatively young man, I'm 26, I have a pretty active life. I feel like I've been in your boat but I don't have it as bad.

I had a bad car accident when I was a teen and was in a wheelchair for over 6 months. During that time I had to be catheterized. I had a few bad UTIs, like you, which caused permanent damage.

This leaves me with a slight leak. I can mainly hold it on my own and I don't require to be wearing something to stop the leak most the time. I just have to stay away from the caffeine and chocolate.

Occasionally I have to wear depends but in the day time if I'm going to be out long I'll wear Goodnites because a) I can still fit in them b) they are easier to buy because people assume you're buying it for a kid c) they are stealthy. No noise and since I only leak a little it's the best thing for me. Other times i wear 2 pairs of briefs.

My only issue is when I hit the gym. I'm still doing rehab probably will my whole life so I have to go. The problem is now I'm not on my parents health insurance and on my own, I have to fend for myself.  Which means a private gym. No longer the rehab center where no one looked at you if you were wearing diapers. And since you are working out it's a must.

I wear my diapers to the gym but, you'd think it would be weird, it's not. No one's ever asked me about it. I try not to look around but I'm sure I do get the off stare.

Anyway, I've had my moments of frustrations, my highs and my lows. I keep the struggle. And I thank you for your blog. I'm glad I'm not the only one hiding from my condition.

Thanks for your post and words of encouragement. I'm lucky to have my own home gym and I never even thought how uncomfortable that could be. Thanks for sharing!