Friday, April 19, 2019

Another viewer post. Inspired by the previous submitter.

This story was sent to me from a follower and not from me. The image has been censored.

To the guy who has issues with the gym from February:

As someone who struggles with incontinence, I felt it was only right to share solidarity to feel what you are going through.

I recently built up the courage to walk a mile in your shoes. I decided to wear not just my pullups or hide in a bathroom to change. I did it and I am not ashamed.

People shouldn't mock or stare. This is our right to be in public unashamed.

I wanted to thank you for your courage. I look forward from hearing more from you and anyone else.

Thanks for your post. Please make sure images you send in the future are relevant to catheters/devices, on in the context of a medical situation. I had to censor your image a little.

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