Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Viewer post

Brandon (not his real name) asks: Is it common to have this much extra space from the tip of the catheter?

Yes, this is common. if it's too short can you risk injury when bending over or moving. Also, if this is your first time self cathing, I'd recommend putting something on your bed to prevent the lubrication from getting on your blanket. Congrats. Also, do you find it easier to cath with foreskin?

Reviewing Sir UR Free To Go portable urinal

I decided to try something I could put on easily. A new device to try.

This is a jockstrap style catheter and had good reviews.

The packaging was impressive. It was like unboxing a phone.

The quality seemed good and there were clear instructions.

Wearing it was comfortable and it was easily hidden under my clothes...

My only problem with it was that it leaks very easy. It's not reliable. That's the final word.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Reader mail time

A reader recently shared his story with me. He's forced to wear catheters and has no problems with infections, but he does have a problem with skin irritation on the frenulum.

The problem is that since he's circumcised he has no barrier between the sensitive parts of his glans and his underwear. He's also forced to wear briefs as they are the only thing that keeps the catheter tube stationary and not tugging on his bladder.

I suggested an external cath to go over it. Anyone have any better suggestions?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Trying cheap Chinese sold external catheters

I decided to give the worst rated and least recommended external catheters from China a shot just to see what they were really like. Could they be that bad?

Finding them was one of the hardest things since they sell on Amazon but cannot advertise as a "catheter" but a "pee bag" or "urine collector".

The devices came in well packed but with bad instructions.

One of the first devices I tried had a kink in the hose before I even put it on. I knew this was going to be bad.

This cut off drainage and after no time it leaked.

The second device, I actually had a little hope for. The tubing was thick and it fit well.

I wore it all day without any issues,

It drained properly, and works flawlessly. I actually will be using this in the future (but with so many knockoffs online, I can't assume you'd get the same so I can't recommend it).

The last one, also the cheapest one... coming in at $15, didn't even fit. I didn't get to review this one.

I'm going to reuse some of the parts and try to use the tube into my own makeshift "pee collector" lol.

Long story short, you might find something that works, but it's mostly bad quality goods. Most of the reviews had 2-3 stars and a lot of complaints. The shipping also took a really long time.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Another viewer post. Inspired by the previous submitter.

This story was sent to me from a follower and not from me. The image has been censored.

To the guy who has issues with the gym from February:

As someone who struggles with incontinence, I felt it was only right to share solidarity to feel what you are going through.

I recently built up the courage to walk a mile in your shoes. I decided to wear not just my pullups or hide in a bathroom to change. I did it and I am not ashamed.

People shouldn't mock or stare. This is our right to be in public unashamed.

I wanted to thank you for your courage. I look forward from hearing more from you and anyone else.

Thanks for your post. Please make sure images you send in the future are relevant to catheters/devices, on in the context of a medical situation. I had to censor your image a little.

Surgical options - Male Sling TURP

During a recent consult with my urologist, I was offered options for surgical treatment. I was given the pros and cons of each and I was given a few options.

The first was for collagen injections around the sphincter. This is mainly for low-to-mild urinary leakage and reduces bladder pressure. It's also not permanent.

The option my doctor recommends is a Male Sling (TURP/Mesh)

The disadvantages to this are clearly present in the video. Erectile dysfunction/possibly making my condition worse are a huge barrier to this... but I'm still figuring it out.

The last resort, and the most comprehensive surgery is a urethral cuff, which is an artificial sphincter that contracts to prevent leakage.

While tests in the past have shown external cuffs to be ineffective...

the difference here is that the cuff is on the inside and won't come loose or chafe (problems I've had repeatedly).

I'm weighing the pros and cons of each but, to be honest, the thought of surgery scares me. The chance that it could go wrong is a huge inhibitor.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

As promised. A post from a follower:

This story was sent to me from a follower with the intent to put on my blog and not from me.

As a relatively young man, I'm 26, I have a pretty active life. I feel like I've been in your boat but I don't have it as bad.

I had a bad car accident when I was a teen and was in a wheelchair for over 6 months. During that time I had to be catheterized. I had a few bad UTIs, like you, which caused permanent damage.

This leaves me with a slight leak. I can mainly hold it on my own and I don't require to be wearing something to stop the leak most the time. I just have to stay away from the caffeine and chocolate.

Occasionally I have to wear depends but in the day time if I'm going to be out long I'll wear Goodnites because a) I can still fit in them b) they are easier to buy because people assume you're buying it for a kid c) they are stealthy. No noise and since I only leak a little it's the best thing for me. Other times i wear 2 pairs of briefs.

My only issue is when I hit the gym. I'm still doing rehab probably will my whole life so I have to go. The problem is now I'm not on my parents health insurance and on my own, I have to fend for myself.  Which means a private gym. No longer the rehab center where no one looked at you if you were wearing diapers. And since you are working out it's a must.

I wear my diapers to the gym but, you'd think it would be weird, it's not. No one's ever asked me about it. I try not to look around but I'm sure I do get the off stare.

Anyway, I've had my moments of frustrations, my highs and my lows. I keep the struggle. And I thank you for your blog. I'm glad I'm not the only one hiding from my condition.

Thanks for your post and words of encouragement. I'm lucky to have my own home gym and I never even thought how uncomfortable that could be. Thanks for sharing!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Viewer mail bag

Someone suggested that I reply to some of my more frequently asked questions publicly to answer those who are too shy to email or comment (comments can be left anonymously btw).

Some of the biggest questions:

What are you looking for anyway?

Well, I don't want to wear an indwelling catheter (foley cath) and I do not want to wear diapers.

I want to find something a little easier to wear, can last at least a solid workday without much maintenance, and that doesn't leave me with skin irritation.

What caused you you become incontinent?

A combination of things. I had problems with wetting the bed and, parents being parents, eventually I went to the doctor. This started a chain of issues. One urologist claimed I had damaged my pudendal nerve:

He assumed that damage that came from a baseball accident years prior (wasn't wearing a cup) where the cause of my issues... and that they would "self correct".

To be more specific, it was the genital part of the genitofemoral nerve damage that was causing it.

Over the years, in my teens, I was prescribed a "fast cath" without proper instruction and wrong FR size. I would use that to relieve myself (when I really didn't need to, since it wasn't stress related). It was awkward, painful and frustrating to use.

Ultimately, the lack of training using it caused some unhealthy habits which led me to a very bad urinary tract infection which required hospitalization and caused permanent damage. This made leakage issue 10x worse.... and leads me to my next most common question:

Do you even urinate, or do you have no pressure built up to pee?

Sometimes. When I first wake up. I have the urge to pee, but I usually don't make it to the toilet in time. I think it's due to urine in my bladder accumulating and when I stand up, it comes out.

If you can imagine, it's like a permanent catheter with the tip cut off. It doesn't come out in a full stream, but it just comes out enough to make a mess.

This also happens when sitting for long periods.

What do you normally wear?
Depends... no, literally. Hah. I usually use those at home since they are more comfortable and at night so I can move around without tubes.
I sometimes wear a condom catheter for certain situations since they are relatively secure and easy to put on (even once while driving!). The adhesive is the main issue I have with it for extended wear.

I use a regular foley catheter for extended trips. I make certain to use proper hygiene and use the correct size and with a coude tip.

The diapers are good, but you have to be careful to stay dry. That's just not possible while on the go.

How embarrassing is it for you?
It's sucks going through airports. I get "selected" to go to secondary pat down, and it's always confusing for the TSA since I don't look like a typical person who wears one. I once had to show my catheter, and literally everything, to a group of TSA agents. It was humiliating, but they were professional about it.

This is why I'd rather drive across the country than fly, if I can.

I'd have to say it used to be a lot more embarrassing when I was younger. Since, back then, we all wore white briefs, it was pretty obvious when changing that I "pissed myself" (as my classmates would tease). Wearing diapers to class was completely out of the question, so I just went with it. My trick was to just have multiple pairs of briefs in my backpack and change between classes.

What type of medicine do you take for your condition?
Nothing. It's permanent damage. I just avoid things like caffeine and alcohol since they will, almost literally, pour right through me.

Have you tried Eastern medicine?
Yes, somewhat. I did japskasi Thai treatment, but I didn't get any benefit out of it. I'm willing to try suggestions.

Why do you post pictures of yourself with them on?
Well, finding images of the devices actually being used, and real reviews from people who actually use them are super rare. I wanted a bit of transparency. If the product is shit, I won't hold back.

I don't get paid from any of these companies. While I do have advertising turned on, it does not affect the decisions in product choices for this blog... That, and I have no shame.

What happened to the old post of you when you were younger? The story about the baseball incident?
I took the post down because there was someone asking creepy questions. There were pictures of my injury from when I was a kid before my surgery. I decided to remove the post for now but I might repost it without the pictures later.

Why don't you try natural cotton based diapers instead of the disposable?
They can't keep up. I've tried some before. I have a pair from multiple companies actually. Not only do they not hold enough liquid, they take forever to dry...

What happens when you get an erection while wearing a catheter?
Great question. This is actually something you don't find on the packaging for catheter devices you have to take into consideration. Since the device you are attaching the catheter is literally a moving object, this can cause for some leakage at night or whenever that situation pops up.

As well with the questions, I've gotten a few tips. Some have suggested the obvious, some have suggested genius, and some have suggested the plain weird!

To those who reached out to tell me about their own personal stories and struggles, I hoped I helped you out. Advice from someone who's in your shoes goes a long way. I'm here to rant as much as I'm here to listen! (my email is on the top right)

I will be reviewing more devices in 2019. I also plan on bringing some of my readers stories and ideas into the blog.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Bioderm Liberty 3.0 Male External Catheter

I decided to try a quirky product to review. This is a very unique catheter that uses adhesives on top to secure the drainage. It's called the Bioderm Liberty 3.0.

Compared to some of the other oddities I've reviewed in the past, this was relatively cheap at $12.

I followed the guide on this to wear. I am circumcised and I followed the appropriate steps for cleaning and drying. I even watched the video.

Once I put the device on I knew it wasn't going to work. The tape wasn't long enough and wouldn't fit over the head securely. It was so rigid it didn't grasp well enough.

Even with an empty bag, the weight was putting the tape away.

After only an hour of wearing this, the moisture from my body, added with a little bit of drainage, added up to a completely failing device. I would never wear this in public as it's doomed to fail.... for me at least. Perhaps if you have foreskin, this would adhere better. I still wouldn't trust it personally though.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Reviewing the Amazon brand Solimo slip on (brief) male diapers

While I don't normally wear diapers, I came across a good deal for a "just in case" scenario. Amazon has a store brand diaper, Solimo, for sale and the prices are very competitive

I weighed my options against the unisex vs the male based on price and reviews and decided to get both.

The box came quick and there were no issues with the packaging.

The unisex is on the left and the male is on the right.

Right away I could tell a huge difference in quality. The male diapers are much thicker.

For a stress test, I gave these the good ole workday and a car trip. My experience with both products was very poor. The unisex was worse, but the male version was not much better.

They leak and don't hold much fluid. They are oddly shaped, even the mens. The padding doesn't even come up to the penis. I could feel it moving around and bunching up while I walked.

After 1 day, both were practically disintegrating... and my job isn't high impact, just an average desk job.

During the car trip home, I felt leaking around the thighs and when I took it off, I noticed the weight of the "full" diaper wasn't that great. Maybe not even a cup.

While I'm generally not satisfied with diapers at all, these were the worst I've ever come across. The only good thing (and the reason I thought I'd give it a chance) is they guarantee the product. I will be getting a refund.

My best backup option are guards and a pair of briefs. The combination works and the guard is easy to conceal in a pocket.

It's been my go to for a while. The bulge isn't too noticeable in jeans, sorta noticeable in shorts... but it gives me peace of mind.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

URINCare Incontinence: ProRen Cup vs ProRen FLO

I saw a really good review about a device military pilots use while going on long flights. The same company that makes the AMXDmax...

also makes a civilian model called the ProRen Cup and ProRen Flo.

The ProRen Cup is based off the military version and is heavy duty and meant for people who can't get up. The ProRen Flo is a suction based catheter system that is more flexible (and I'm sure, nowhere near as reliable as the Cup).

I wanted to order one of these. It would make for the perfect road trip device, as that's one of my biggest problems with a leaky bladder. I don't want to ruin the seats in my car! The problem though is the price. It's $3,000 for the base kit!!

Hopefully someone comes out with a competing product to this as from what I've read on their site: http://www.omnibladder.com/ it's a good product.

Their Youtube channel explains how it works than I ever could. It's worth the watch... even if you can't buy.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bard Zipser Model Penile Clamp review

On a private suggestion, I decided to try a low tech approach to help with my urinary incontinence. I was told the Bard Penile Clamp was the way to go. Someone had one for their son and he had no issues with it.

It wasn't cheap... as most medical devices go. This is literally a metal spring for $35. At least it's reusable.

When I got the clamp in the mail the first thing I noticed was there wasn't much resistance to it. I was worried it would not be up to the task.

I decided to put on some Depends, not only for the added assurance I would have no leaks, but also because the size of this would have been poking out of the front of my pants. The Depends padding helped disguise the fact I was wearing this.

Mentally, logically, the proper way to put this on would be horizontally... thus cutting off the "main flow"... on the underside if you will. However, I noticed that when it was mounted that way, when I would walk, the ends of the clamp would catch my legs and it was pulling back and forth with each step. Not very comfortable.

Mounted vertically, it was not in the way and I barely noticed it after a while. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. I went about my business and ignored it. I did some chores and on returning home I noticed that the device did not completely stop leaking from occurring.

Getting in and out of the car, I would notice the tension would let off a little. That's probably where it came from, but it's still not an ideal solution. Had I not wore the depends it would have been bad.

I was also very paranoid thinking if it fell off and slipped down my pants leg, what would someone think it was? Also, I'm not sure how a kid could wear this since there is only 1 product number, one size... and it was too large for me. It was probably designed for someone bedridden, or with limited mobility.

In the end, this is a solid pass for me. It doesn't help much, doesn't "mount" logically and... it's just too weird.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Cook Non Adhesive Silicone Male External Condom Catheter

A reader informed me of a catheter which is non-adhesive and reusable that I should try. While he didn't wear it himself he was wondering if he should order one. I bit the bullet and bought one to give my fair and unbiased review.

This is the Cook Non-Adhesive Silicone Male External Condom Catheter which goes for about $35... each. My expectations were high....

At this price I made sure to measure well as the choices in sizes ranged as much as a normal adhesive catheter. When I wear those (not often, anymore) I usually wear a size 32mm. I got the 33mm out of habit.

If you don't know about this catheter, it is an inflatable style that is supposed to stay firm on not leak.

When I first put it on, I noticed it was firm and felt like it had a good grip. Then I started to feel a pain, like pinching at the bottom of my penis. I let out some of the air thinking I may have aired it up too much. While I didn't deflate it too much, I did notice after a while there was some leakage.

Wanting to give it a thorough review, I put more air back in and went for a walk. The pain got really bad so I rushed home and noticed, to my surprise, that even with this uncomfortably inflated, was still leaking.

I thought I bought the wrong size, so I decided to dig through the pamphlet, which had some tips and suggestions on making it more comfortable.

It also came with a sizing guide. Which was spot on for what I bought.

I gave it another couple of days, but the pain was just too much. Also the lack of reliability. $35 down the drain (or other places).

I want my money back Cook Medical. (I have not reached out to them for a refund however.)