Saturday, April 29, 2017

Arcus Afex Active Core Review

I purchased an Arcus Afex Catheter/jockstrap. It was not covered under my insurance, sadly I had to buy it with my own money.

The product wasn't cheap either. It was around $75 after shipping. I was hesitant to buy it because of my experience with other jockstrap style catheters... but for the sake of trying to find something that works. I bought it.

Right off the bat, wearing it, it felt secure. Definitely wouldn't sleep with one on, but sitting, standing, walking... a breeze

The bag system is not universal. This is good and bad. The good is you get a strong secure fit. It's a wide connector that does not kink. It's from the catheter piece directly to the bag. No tubes The bag is sturdy enough to hang directly from the catheter, but can be secured to the leg as well.

They sell 2 options: A jockstrap and a boxer briefs style.While I'm not a big fan of the jockstrap style, I can't stand boxer briefs. It makes it too difficult, I've experienced anyway, to secure to the leg and/or drain the bag.

I came up with my own jockstrap/briefs method. I simply wear the jockstrap under the briefs and pull the tube out of the fly of the underwear, then connect the bag.

Wearing it in public was a tad embarrassing (no more so than wetting yourself) because there is a... ahem... sizable difference downstairs while wearing it. I'm an average sized (probably less than) guy "member" wise. So, the view when I look down takes me off guard.

I'm pretty self conscious about it and I can notice it when I'm wearing dress pants. Not so much with jeans... until I sit down. (I'll spare you the pic, you get the idea).

So, in all. I think this is, as the product title says, an "Active" device. It's good if you are just stepping out, doing some groceries, walking, getting around town. I did not have any leaks, but I've been close to full on a longer than normal road trip.

The good:
When sitting, urine does not collect in the tube due to a layer with holes to drain properly. There are no adhesives. Easy to clean.

The meh:
I've had no rashes, but I have had irritation but probably due to heat. The jockstrap leggings dig into the back of my legs.I wish there was a standard briefs style alternative.

The ugly:
The price. At least offer a 3 pack to save some money. Also, the elastic strap should be more secure. I've noticed that it has become less and less secure as I've washed it. I'd rather have an adjustable strap to account for this piece coming loose.

No accidents with it yet, but time will tell.

Stealth factor:
Pretty good... I mean if you are ok with people thinking you have a big johnson. There is no weird noise, except in the bag when you start to fill up, obviously.

Manufacturer support:
I guess this is going to be a new thing. I'll try to contact the manufacturer and see how responsive they are to questions. This is the email I sent. We'll see how long it takes them to respond and what their support options are:

Sent 4/29/2017
The strap on my Afex Active Core, that holds the device in place inside the underwear, is coming loose and not holding the catheter in place securely. 
Is there a warranty? I just bought it.

I'll keep this posted on if/when they respond.


  1. Does the bottom leak if you unhook the bag or does it have a seal that closes when you remove it?

    1. No. It has a hole at the bottom. I don't think it comes with a cap... but it's pretty easy to empty if that's what you are worried about.

  2. thanks for the feed back, I was concerned about trying the system then throwing my money away. Why did you not get the starter kit

  3. I've been wondering about these! The version you appear to be wearing is on sale at a few places of late, which both makes me wonder if it's going out of production, or if it's just a brief seasonal special.

    Assuming you're still checking these older posts' comments, how would you judge the sizing? They're one of those companies that defines "medium" as 32-34 (vs. 34-36), and I've typically found the "smaller medium" too tight when it comes to underwear in general (both bladder control and "regular"). Some underwear I have to buy medium; others large (I’m “officially” a medium).

    I've got some physical issues (anatomical and medical) pertaining to comfort Down There, and have trouble finding ANY sort of comfortable underwear, bladder control or otherwise; plus, I’ve got a sub-variant of OCD that makes me over-focus on even the slightest of comfort issues in that region — have always had it; diapers have merely exacerbated it, due to matters pertaining to fit/materials AND my ignorance/laziness regarding proper incontinence skin care! Does any part of it rest significantly upon, or tug noticeably at any specific parts of the genitals to point where a person who is hypersensitive to things Down There might find it not worth using?

    SO! Given all that, I’d be interested in your take on the sizing and comfort. Also, does the waistband stay tight for a good long while, or does it all loosen up pretty fast? How about durability in general? does the “pee cup thing” cause premature wear on the fabric? It looks like it could.

    Does it hurt if one gets a random erection? Does it really stay safely clean during the day, or does it need to be cleaned promptly after a void? Does the penis stay in the cup when one sits down?

    How would you rate the risks of things like infection or skin damage? Does the design keep the cup-thing largely dry, or does the user need to dry it out during the day?

    I’m on a tight budget (even more so because of the pandemic, of course) so even with the sale pricing, I don’t want to just throw away money on something that doesn’t last for at least a little while...

  4. (i wrote a really long response and it crashed before i hit submit!) These are normal underwear sizes. They do loosen a bit but they are still snappy.

    You will notice a little redness on the tip of your penis for long term wear but if you use a little Vitamin AD lotion you will be fine for a few days. Just make sure to wash and clean the device daily. Some skin damage will happen but it's minimal

    Erections arent so bad since the device is a soft plastic/rubber blend and for me at least it's a bigger size that I can grow into.

    It's a good purchase and I think you will be happy. Sorry for the long delay!

  5. Is ur penis in it

  6. Is ur penis in it
