As a relatively young man, I'm 26, I have a pretty active life. I feel like I've been in your boat but I don't have it as bad.
I had a bad car accident when I was a teen and was in a wheelchair for over 6 months. During that time I had to be catheterized. I had a few bad UTIs, like you, which caused permanent damage.
This leaves me with a slight leak. I can mainly hold it on my own and I don't require to be wearing something to stop the leak most the time. I just have to stay away from the caffeine and chocolate.
Occasionally I have to wear depends but in the day time if I'm going to be out long I'll wear Goodnites because a) I can still fit in them b) they are easier to buy because people assume you're buying it for a kid c) they are stealthy. No noise and since I only leak a little it's the best thing for me. Other times i wear 2 pairs of briefs.
My only issue is when I hit the gym. I'm still doing rehab probably will my whole life so I have to go. The problem is now I'm not on my parents health insurance and on my own, I have to fend for myself. Which means a private gym. No longer the rehab center where no one looked at you if you were wearing diapers. And since you are working out it's a must.
I wear my diapers to the gym but, you'd think it would be weird, it's not. No one's ever asked me about it. I try not to look around but I'm sure I do get the off stare.
Anyway, I've had my moments of frustrations, my highs and my lows. I keep the struggle. And I thank you for your blog. I'm glad I'm not the only one hiding from my condition.