Saturday, February 24, 2018

URINCare Incontinence: ProRen Cup vs ProRen FLO

I saw a really good review about a device military pilots use while going on long flights. The same company that makes the AMXDmax...

also makes a civilian model called the ProRen Cup and ProRen Flo.

The ProRen Cup is based off the military version and is heavy duty and meant for people who can't get up. The ProRen Flo is a suction based catheter system that is more flexible (and I'm sure, nowhere near as reliable as the Cup).

I wanted to order one of these. It would make for the perfect road trip device, as that's one of my biggest problems with a leaky bladder. I don't want to ruin the seats in my car! The problem though is the price. It's $3,000 for the base kit!!

Hopefully someone comes out with a competing product to this as from what I've read on their site: it's a good product.

Their Youtube channel explains how it works than I ever could. It's worth the watch... even if you can't buy.