Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bard Zipser Model Penile Clamp review

On a private suggestion, I decided to try a low tech approach to help with my urinary incontinence. I was told the Bard Penile Clamp was the way to go. Someone had one for their son and he had no issues with it.

It wasn't cheap... as most medical devices go. This is literally a metal spring for $35. At least it's reusable.

When I got the clamp in the mail the first thing I noticed was there wasn't much resistance to it. I was worried it would not be up to the task.

I decided to put on some Depends, not only for the added assurance I would have no leaks, but also because the size of this would have been poking out of the front of my pants. The Depends padding helped disguise the fact I was wearing this.

Mentally, logically, the proper way to put this on would be horizontally... thus cutting off the "main flow"... on the underside if you will. However, I noticed that when it was mounted that way, when I would walk, the ends of the clamp would catch my legs and it was pulling back and forth with each step. Not very comfortable.

Mounted vertically, it was not in the way and I barely noticed it after a while. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. I went about my business and ignored it. I did some chores and on returning home I noticed that the device did not completely stop leaking from occurring.

Getting in and out of the car, I would notice the tension would let off a little. That's probably where it came from, but it's still not an ideal solution. Had I not wore the depends it would have been bad.

I was also very paranoid thinking if it fell off and slipped down my pants leg, what would someone think it was? Also, I'm not sure how a kid could wear this since there is only 1 product number, one size... and it was too large for me. It was probably designed for someone bedridden, or with limited mobility.

In the end, this is a solid pass for me. It doesn't help much, doesn't "mount" logically and... it's just too weird.